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Inner Child Healing, Intro

Hello friends!

Today, I wanna share with you on inner child healing. As we grow old in this adult world, somewhere our inner child gets suppressed and wants to be seen and heard. Many experiences in the Grownup Adult world can be really traumatic and tough for our inner child, which we had to face!

Sometimes, we tend to bypass them and it gets reflected in our personality and relationships as distortions, dysfunctions, and other emotional disorders. When we go back to our childhood wounds and give some time and attention to healing them, talking to our inner child, cultivating a relationship with it, we experience a beautiful expansion of our hearts and blossoming of positive emotions.

Our pain-body becomes less triggered and we tend to respond to life situations from a healed space. Inner child healing work is a "process of connecting, embracing, understanding your inner child. It involves creating a space where your subconscious is allowed to be expressed and seen. It is the act of going inside ourselves, to explore our true feelings, and parts of us that may have been surpassed and overlooked in the fast pace life. By this process, we try to go within and heal the symptoms from the core."

Your inner child represents the first original self in this world. In the process of growing up, we have gone through a lot of emotional wounds. It is a way to address our needs that haven’t been met as a child and heal the attachment wounds which we have developed. We all have a younger version of ourselves that has been hurt or not loved the right way!

By allowing ourselves to go within, we begin to peel back on our everyday coping mechanisms like avoiding, numbing our feelings, suppressing our emotions, fully accepting them, and integrating our subconscious into a healed conscious.

The importance of inner child healing is to help us understand the emotional pain and heal the shame that comes along with having feelings and emotional wounds. By healing our inner child, we strengthen ourselves emotionally, hereby learning how to process our emotions from a rational and positive space, teaching our inner child to transform destructive emotions into constructive ones and unlock our innate gifts.

When we heal our inner child, we heal our adult self, our family our generations, and our world. It is a journey of ourselves into ourselves, deep within our hidden hearts and unveiling the layers which have been covering it, releasing the energy which is not serving us any longer, and caressing our hearts with love and care.

It is an action of Self Love…

So friends, in the upcoming articles I shall be sharing practical tools and techniques to connect to our inner child and begin the process of healing.

Stay tuned!!

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