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About Me

Hello to all my dear readers!

I am a spiritual seeker based in India, in the city of Kolkata, often called the city of Joy. I was born in a joint Hindu business family based in central Kolkata. I have a great interest in reading articles, especially from this blog!! ...and, also love expressing myself through writing.

I enjoy reading and writing on topics relating to spirituality, philosophy, and practical wisdom. Anything that contributes to human development and welfare. So, here I am sharing a short introduction about myself and my life till now. I hope you enjoy my journey! 

A little bit 'different'
From my childhood, I was a little unusual... LOL! And, had a keen interest in the spiritual path. In my early childhood, this interest was expressed as an inclination towards religion, God, and devotion. I lived in a joint family with many people, and I remember that we had a floor dedicated to a temple inside our building- This was my favorite place where I would spend so much time with our temple priest.

The temple priest used to tell me mythological tales based on the life of different Gods and Goddesses, and I used to feel amazing listening to them. I used to be so fascinated by worshipping Shiva lingam and felt inner love and connection towards Shiva. Questions regarding what happens to a person after death, who are we, etc. intrigued me since my early days. I was the first child in my family and was dearly loved by all. However, as I grew older, I saw a lot of conflict and hostility within my family atmosphere which deeply affected my innocent child-heart, who thought the world to be a Paradise.

This mental image was broken by internal hostility and conflicts. Indian families, till now, in many cities, people live in joint families, and due to so many people living with different opinions and thought structures, conflict is usually seen amongst family members. This has led to many Indian families being divided into smaller nuclear setups in the last 3 decades, where we are able to maintain sweet relationships along with maintaining internal peace.

Shifting location 
Our family also went through a separation and we shifted to a beautiful location in North Kolkata, which had a lot of greenery and a beautiful landscape. I was 13 years old at that time, and seeing my interest in spirituality, my English teacher suggested that I read this book "Many Masters and Many Lives, written by Dr. Brain Weiss" which changed my life and quenched my long-lasting thirsts to some extent. After that, I read all books in his series and started practicing meditation on my own. To get more personal guidance on meditation, at 16 years of age, I joined Rajyoga meditation taught by a spiritual organization in Kolkata, which gave me a great escalation in my spiritual journey. My interest grew so much in this path that I took a decision going against my family's wishes to totally dedicate myself to the path of God and Higher consciousness, and renounce a corporate career.

My family had high hopes for me as I excelled throughout my academic life in all subjects, receiving a Governor Award in my high school. I completed a graduate in commerce and thereafter dedicated myself to teaching spirituality and creating awareness amongst people for meditation. My primary objective was to take meditation to each household so as to bring peace to the family atmosphere. Thereafter, my interest grew in this path and I wanted to explore the spiritual path in more ways than Rajoyga, and to seek it I landed in Bodhgaya, the place of enlightenment of Buddha and thereafter many holy masters.

I also completed training in few healing courses like Reiki and Pranic healing. You can read my trainer profile here.

I continue to integrate different philosophies and techniques for healing and helping people to emotionally heal, feel positive and move towards happy and higher consciousness!

A fortunate meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Bodhgaya, in 2020.

Recent articles

Meditation commentary

Hello friends, Sharing a simple guided commentary for moving inwards into a meditative state. Let’s pause and take out some time for this quiet, inward journey. You can play a soft instrumental music in the background and slowly read these words, trying to feel them deeply. Begin by sitting in a comfortable posture, and allowing your eyes to close. Put your hands on the lap and let your shoulders drop. Keep your back straight. Now, begin by taking a few slow, long, deep breaths. Breathe in fully, and breathe out fully through your nose. Allow your breath to settle into its own rhythm. Pay close attention to your breathing cycle. Notice each breath, as it enters through your nostrils, travels down your lungs, and makes your belly expand. Notice your breath flowing outside through your nostrils, contracting your belly inwards. Observe and accept your experience in this moment without judgement. Now, we shall do a gradual relaxation of our body muscles. Bring your awareness to your body. ...

Embracing the transitions in life with faith

“Change is the only thing that is constant in life.” We, as humans, undergo changes in our day-to-day lives. We experience change as a moment of unsettling and transition into something new. The intensity of change could be a major one whereby we undergo structural and systemic change transforming from one phase of life to another. This pushes us out from a static state of existence to a dynamic ever-changing being. We do feel a certain level of discomfort while going through these transitions, but having faith and hope in our hearts does make a great difference.  Let's take a moment to consider the underlying reasons why a change might be uncomfortable. Changes can represent transience and mortality. One significant transition in human existence that we all go through is death. Every change is a small death in itself, whereby the old dies and the new is born. As humans, we have a tendency to cling to life and have attachment to the existing state, I suppose this is one of the root...