In this article, we are going to explore our deeper identity and understand it from a holistic perspective.
It is such a dilemma, that we try to gain awareness and knowledge about the whole world, but when it comes to our own selves we somehow lack connectivity with our deeper existence and have a shallow awareness of our own being. So friends, let us take out some time and meet our own self…
Every human knows and recognizes his identity as his name and physical form. He also may identify with his family background, his culture, his country, his professional qualifications, his personality strengths, and his weaknesses. For most of us, this covers the definition of I. But let us take a pause, and reflect, is this only I? When we read religious books or spiritual texts, we come to know that there is something more to our identity these identifications, the awareness of which could be leading to a greater inner fulfillment.
Beautiful Ingredients
We call ourselves Human Being which is human and being combined. Human indicates our physical existence, which is representative of our body and bodily identifications. The Being, on the other hand, indicates the spiritual aspect of our existence. It represents something beyond the physical of a higher dimension. It can be called Soul, Energy, Light, God particle, Prana, etc. in spiritual terminology.
In simple words, it is the energetic subtle part of our existence. So, we have both parts to our existence, the visible and the invisible. The body is the tangible existence and the Soul is the non-tangible existence. The moment we become aware of the subtle part of our identity, we gain access to the beautiful ingredients of which our being is made up of.
But, because of our lack of connection and awareness of it, we have been searching for it outside and hence we can see that even after acquiring all material possessions, somehow within we are not able to feel fully at peace. Also, we ignore to sustain the being part, as our time and energy get fully consumed in nurturing the physical portion only. This leaves us in a state of an inner lack.
Connecting with our inner being from time to time, giving it a look, nourishing it with our attention and love, can help us experience a greater and profound sense of peace in our life.
Some tips to connect with our being:
# Sit straight for some time, gently close your eyes and Relax…
#Be aware of your breathing….
#Give yourself a thought taking your awareness towards your brow, without trying to focus too hard… "I am a being of peace and light…"
Try to feel this calming energy within your body and absorb into it...
Feeling peaceful and light...
Sit in this awareness for 5 minutes.
We can integrate this practice into our daily life. One small step can bring a great change.