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The Desire for Awakening

Once upon a time, there was a Master who was Self-realized and lived in the internal area of a forest. There he was visited by many people who were looking for enlightenment and spiritual awakening. One day, a person came to him looking for spiritual awakening and insisted to be taken under the Master's discipleship.

As he insisted a lot, the Master agreed to him. He gave him some karma yoga to do in the forest and the person was busy with that. Days, weeks passed, but there was no knowledge given to him or technique taught to him by the Master. So, the disciple got disappointed and thought of talking to the Master. He went to the Master and said that Venerable, it has been days that I have been working hard in the forests but you haven’t given me the knowledge of Self-realization. Please, guide me.

So, the Master said, come with me. Saying that, he took him to a river nearby and put his mouth underwater. He started to feel suffocated and cried for air…The Master then took out his mouth and let him breathe fresh air. Then he said to the disciple, that right now the desire for Self-realization is not so strong in you. When you start craving it as you were craving for air underwater, then you shall surely receive it. Disciple understood and quietly returned to his karma yoga.

Moral: Desire for Self-realization in someone has to be very strong before seeking enlightenment.

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