Once upon a time, a father and his small child were sitting. The child was trying to solve a puzzle. It was a puzzle of the World Atlas of seven continents. He was unable to solve the puzzle. So, his father had a look and helped him to solve the riddle. The father quietly turned the puzzle pieces upside down and the pieces were of a human body.
So, it was quite easy for the child to complete the puzzle. As soon as the child completed the puzzle, the father showed him that the puzzle upside down was the map of the whole world. So, as it was not easy for the child to solve the puzzle from world-perspective, but it became so easy when he tried to solve it from a human being's perspective.
Moral: We as individuals represent the World, each one is a micro-unit of the big macrocosm of the world. We and the world are not separate units, but integrated as one. Self-change shall make a great impact on the world and bring a world change. Self-transformation shall bring world transformation.