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Simple Spirituality for everyday life - Part 2

Hello Readers, hope the last article could give us some insight in implementing spirituality in simple ways in our daily life without taking much extra effort for the same. Once I was talking to a friend who is quite invested in spiritual practises ,he looked quite tensed so I asked him why are you in tension ,and its funny he replied today I missed my spiritual practice, that why.

So it happens that we in beginning take up spiritual practice for mitigating tension , and slowly its seen that the rigidity or strict routine of following it becomes a source of tension itself. In this point it is important for us to pause and do some self reflection. We need to observe why we started it and how can we relax ourselves into the practice again. Also for our new brothers and sisters thinking of simple spirituality lets see some more simple practices which could be a great start and a break from any heavy practice undertaken by the seeker.

Here it goes:

1. Journaling :

Towards the end of our day , before retiring into our bed, journaling for 5 minutes could be a great way to reflect over the day and express our emotions. Most of the times we sleep with the emotional state made during the day. We also go through ups and downs during the day so lot of emotions get accumulated in our system. So a good way to release them is journaling our thoughts. We could write about how the day went or 5 things to be grateful for or any specific thing which come to our mind. Journaling can take us a long way in developing a lighter emotional state before bed.

2. Spending 15 minutes Alone time:

Being surrounded by people exposes us to their mental states and also influences us with the same. In a normal working life of an adult its obvious to come in interaction with a lot of people. So spending some quiet time say 10-15 mins also could be a great way to internalise our control and focus within .Some moments of solitude can improve the quality of interaction for the rest of the day. During this quiet time we could listen to some Mantra we like or some guided meditation or just listen to some soft instrumental music. That could be a like creating an inner sanctuary of silence where we can dive in and mitigate the chaos we feel. 

So we see these simple practices integrated can help us go a long way in deep spiritual pursuits. To the advanced practitioners when we see these simple things , we may think oh our practice has been much above that ,this could be a very satisfying moment that yes our practice has been much beyond them and also we can take a break from heavy practice and reintegrate into simple ones for some time to rejuvenate and lighten us. For the new beginners it could serve as a guiding compass towards cultivating a spiritual life.

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