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Am I being too Spiritual ?

Many times we hear this statement to be told to spiritual seekers that, “Don’t be too spiritual”. We often hear from people when motivated for spiritual practices that- “ We don’t want to be too spiritual”. In this article we shall dive into the deeper meaning of this statement from others perspective and also reflect it for our own selves for advance spiritual seekers.

Our life can be compared to a table with four pillars. Just like in a table when the four pillars are balanced then only can the table stand on the ground, if anyone leg also is longer or shorter the table shall become unsteady and loose its stability. Similarly our life is also standing on the balance of four pillars essentially- Physical, Emotional, Financial,Spiritual. If any of these pillars become long or short then our human life may also feel imbalanced. Suppose a person has a new found spiritual awakening, he starts to focus excessively on the -“Spiritual Pillar”. He puts in lot of time on the spiritual practices, reading spiritual books, visiting spiritual places etc. Slowly he gives less focus to his body, his relationships, his job and divert his time and energy to his spiritual pursuits. As a result in the long run, there is a pillar which has become too long and a situation of imbalance is created in his life.

One thing to be noted is that when any person starts new on his spiritual journey, initially for 
sometime he may be more attracted to the path and can give more attention there. In my opinion there is nothing wrong in this as it does take time and efforts initially to grasp and understand the path. Also it opens a different door to his consciousness, which he may initially find it difficult to integrate and balance it with his worldly life but slowly he should strive to balance it. So seeing the initial stage of as aspirant its not wise to make a conclusion.

Also when people say - Don’t be too spiritual, we can sense a underlying fear 
within it. It seems that we have fear that we may loose our worldliness and attachments associated with them so we alert the person plunging onto this path at the onset of their journey. So the emotions of fear creates resistance to move towards Spirituality. For oneself its important to take some pauses within our journey and balance all the four pillars. Steady joy comes from balancing all for aspects. Spirit is realized and experienced only through the human body - so keeping this in awareness, creating a fine balance between soul and body can help us towards deeper fulfillment in human journey.

In conclusion, I would like to say that yes its not in one’s hand to move towards spiritual path though apparently it looks like that. Its all grace and universal plan which aligns us towards this path in our own unique time in the journey of our life. May be we see somebody frowning at the thought of opening up to spirituality,who knows this was our condition before few lives. So yes lets stay motivated to integrate simple spiritual tools so that we can enjoy our worldly life too and also keep and anchor towards the spirit within. Lets strive to strike a balance between Earth and Sky!

Thank you readers! Namaskar.

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