Hello Friends, in this article I shall discuss about a Universal law which is operating and influencing us every moment- The Law of Karma. Most of us are aware of it but let’s reflect on it deeply here and see its application in our practical life.
What comes to our mind when we say Karma? In simple words an action, thought or any expression made in the outside world. This is Karma in layman’s language! So, the moment something from us goes out in the external world, there is a vibrational shift in the world and we receive a similar frequency return from it. In simple words this explains the Law of Karma. Karma can happen at three levels: Mind, Word and Action. At the level of mind, it is subtler and when it moves towards the action stage it becomes grosser. Now it becomes very important to remind ourselves about consciously sowing seeds of Karma in the field of our human life. This is what we need to care for.
Most of times we operate in an automatic mode of performance and that’s why we are unaware of the patterns that move out from us into the world. It may happen that when we get sorrow, pain, frustration back then we pause for a moment, contemplate and regret over our actions but then that’s like crying over spilt milk. It’s being late! So, it's imperative to be conscious and aware of what is happening within us and how are we interacting and connecting with the world outside us. That shall govern the whole gamut of our experiences in this physical dimension of existence. Just a little bit of attention is enough!
Most of times we operate in an automatic mode of performance and that’s why we are unaware of the patterns that move out from us into the world. It may happen that when we get sorrow, pain, frustration back then we pause for a moment, contemplate and regret over our actions but then that’s like crying over spilt milk. It’s being late! So, it's imperative to be conscious and aware of what is happening within us and how are we interacting and connecting with the world outside us. That shall govern the whole gamut of our experiences in this physical dimension of existence. Just a little bit of attention is enough!
Law of Karma can be subdivided into two smaller laws ,which shall give us a detailed understanding about it. Let’s see :
• Law of Creation:
Life requires participation to happen. Nothing happens on its own. For any desired result we must take appropriate action or effort. We all have heard no pain no gain! We are one with the Universe inside and outside. So, if we are unhappy with something instead of cribbing, dwelling on it , lets take an action to sort out that and create a change we desire to see. In simple words, we need to initiate and create what we want around!!
• Law of Responsibility:
This Law means that if there is something wrong in our life, the life that we see outside us say within the family environment, then it shows that there is probably a similar pattern operating within us and we need to take responsibility to bring about a change in that. The moment we take responsibility that what I am going through somewhere I am responsible for its creation, we shall feel free and take appropriate actions to change within us at a micro level that which shall create a change at macro level. So, taking responsibility feeling that yes, it’s my responsibility to create a better me, a better world! You know we can see that from a common behaviour that distinguishes a parent from a child, a sense of responsibility. In the bigger picture we are responsible and have a hand in making the world what is it today at a large.
So, friends hope we reflect on our karma now on a serious note😊Good Karma shall always bring good results and bad karma bad results, but what is the deeper meaning of good and bad? Stay tuned, we will reflect on it in the next post. Namaste.