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Simple Tool for discomforting emotions – our awareness is the key

Hello friends, let’s learn in this article simple methods which we can practically apply and dissolve the uncomfortable emotions in our mind and body. In the last article we shared about Karma and how understanding Karma can transform our life and perception of the world around us. What is good and bad karma and how to define the quality of Karma we shall take up in the next article, so stay tuned!

In our modern fast paced world, a common issue which almost every second person is dealing with is the issue of negative/discomforting emotions. To cope up with it, every person finds their own path. Some take up yoga, some join a spiritual group, some connect with nature, some meditate and some even resort to medicines and other mind-altering substances. There are some healthy ways to deal with them and also some unhealthy ways. It’s very important to understand that we need to adopt a healthy coping mechanism for the same. So, let’s see some coping techniques to combat them. 

Friends, whenever any uncomfortable emotion arises within us or is triggered due to some situation, then instead of moving outside we ought to dive inside. 

We should-
    • Observing the sensations in the body and feeling the discomfort that comes along with it. Pause for a moment and reflect on the physical sensations during this observation. 
    • Feel the pace of your breath. Most of the times when they are triggered either the breath shall become short or fast which is not in the normal time. Then consciously breathing deeply, few deep breaths will help us in feeling peaceful and easing the discomfort.
    • Then instead of dwelling about the situational causes we can move out of the into a fresh environment and connect with nature. This shall spiritually purify our mind at that moment.
    • The crux is to not get anxious about them and approach them with a sense of acceptance. We can change something only when we fully accept it. Accepting, the discomforting emotions and dealing with them with tenderness could be a beautiful way out.

Our awareness is the key! Namaste😊

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