Raksha Bandhan is an Indian festival that is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Shravan according to the Hindu Lunar calendar. This day is observed as the day of siblings as on this day sisters and brothers come together to express their love for each other and also pray for each other’s wellness. The sisters tie a knot of rakhi (thread) on the wrist of her brother, who promises to protect and support his sister amidst challenges and struggles in life.
Traditionally, Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of the unbreakable bond between brother and sister. When a sister wraps her brother’s wrist with that elegant and beautiful thread, she celebrates her faith and trust in her brother, but this Indian festival has deep spiritual significance also. When it comes to a spiritual Raksha Bandhan, it symbolizes the pure and divine relationship with our soul. It’s a celebration of the eternal relationship of our soul with the source. It’s a promise, made to self, for being the protector of the good in us. It’s a self-fulfilling promise for being positive, progressive, and open-minded for the things to come. We pledge to nurture the seeds of virtue within us and protect it from being swayed away by the winds of vices.
Spiritual Rakhi directs us to a spiritual path, granting absolute freedom in the form of Nirvana. So, on this occasion of Rakhi Purnima, freeing ourself from greed, anger, lust, and lethargy. We all should take a look within us strengthening and deepening our bonds with our souls and Divine and whole human family. Rakhi is not only limited to one brother and sister but whole of universe where we all share the bond of love, friendship and mutual harmony.
In this big world, sharing a glimpse of my small world, of Rakha Bandhan celebration, within our Indian family.