Rath Yatra, also known as Dasavatara Yatra, colloquially, Chariot festival, is an exquisite annual festival celebrated in India.It is held on the second day of Shukla Paksha according to traditional regional calendar and pays homage to Lord Krishna also known as Lord Jagannath. It has a deep rooted socio cultural influence, aesthetic appeal and religious sanctity and holds immense significance in India. The spiritual significance of Rath Yatra is immense. It is symbolic of our human body being the Rath (chariot) and the driver of this bodily chariot being God who drives the Rath (chariot) out of the Yatra (journey) of Bhavasagar (material existence) and bestows liberation (moksha).On more spiritual meaning is that in this festival Lord comes down from his pedestal among the public to bless his devotees and soothe their hearts with His divine presence. The Lord showers all devotees with his benign presence irrespective of caste, creed and colour. It shows the magnanimity and universalis...